What else is there to do...
When you expected to be a mom, and instead you're a miscarriage survivor struggling with infertility? 

Monday, September 27, 2010

I don't believe my eyes!

I got a positive OPK! On CD15!  Am I in an alternate universe where my body acts normal?  Am I dreaming?  Did I give myself my HCG trigger in my sleep and now I'm getting false positives?

I was convinced that I wasn't going to respond to this dose of Clo.mid, and here I am, ovulating 10 days early!  I guess I was wrong!  

I don't know if we're going to really have a chance at a BFP this cycle because we didn't time things too well.  But if I can ovulate before CD20 again next cycle, I'll be ok!

I can't believe how much less stress there is in a cycle where I'm not waiting and BDing for 25 days!!!!!!!!!!! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!


Hope said...

Congratulations! That is great news! I'm so happy for you!!!!

Keya said...

whoop whoop

Rebecca said...

Here for ICLW and that's awesome news! :)

I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a similar loss earlier this summer and it was incredibly devastating. Here's hoping for a quick BFP for us both.

Mark and Amy said...

Good luck.....That stress reduction will do you some good! Fingers crossed for a positive!

threelittlekilos said...

yay!!! that's such great news about the positive OPK and clomid doing its job.

our FS said to BD three days in a row when you see a +OPK...so you might not be out this cycle.

fingers crossed!

b :)

Browniris said...

Congrats on ovulating...that is great news!


Anonymous said...

Yea!!! That is awesome news. Don't worry too much about timing BDing correctly - I had mine WAY off - I O'd way later than I ever had and wound up with our current BFP. Strange how things work.